A reminder that the club run to Rick’s farm is still on for 24 September. Light rain is forecast, but that shouldn’t be a problem this time! Meet at Mount Torrens pub at 10.00 am for a run via backroads to the Mannum waterfall and then back to Rick’s for a BBQ lunch. The club will be providing the BBQ lunch , but bring you own drinks and chairs and if you wish, salads and desserts. An extra treat will be the lamb sausages locally made from lamb sourced from Rick’s flock.
Military vehicles are preferred but civvy vehicles capable of managing dirt roads are OK.
For those not wishing to partake in the run, you can go direct to Rick’s farm to arrive after 12.30.
Family and friends are welcome to attend.
Those interested and haven’t yet indicated, please contact Mick Jenner or Rick, so we can cater for the required numbers.