Adelaide Re-enactment and Military Society Crimea Re-enactment

Old Tailem Town 2016 Crimea Campaigns 1941-42, 1944

The Adelaide Re-enacting & Military Society (ARMS) wishes to cordially invite all WW2 re-enactors to our Commemorative Historical Re-enactment. This year will see an event covering both the early war Crimea Campaign, and the late war Crimea Offensive. This is to commemorate the 75th anniversaty of the Second World War campaigns and acknowledge the 160th anniversary of the Crimean war of 1853-56.

– Blank Supply available for purchase from ARMS (approved blank may be brought).
– Loan equipment available by arrangement.
– Camp site at Old Tailem Town available.
– On site Barracks & Mess Hall.
– On site toilet facilities.
– Eastern Front event.
– Street Fighting and open warfare scenarios.
– Three hot meals provided as part of event fees.
– Musical entertainment provided live by the Adelaide German Band Saturday night.
– Arrival 6th May 2016, Event 7th May 2016, Departure 8th May 2016.

For an event briefing please contact:

Eugene Wasilenia:


David Schneider:

Or check our website for joining instructions and updates at:

A Facebook event has also been created. To be invited simply contact Eugene or David.

Joining instructions attached.

General Instruction VE Crimea 2016


Australia Day Parade

The 2016 Australia Day Parade was held on the usual day, and was an event that was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. Lots of colour, enthusiasm, and a great atmosphere . A good turn out of military vehicles was had, and for once, it the extremes of heat were not an issue. WVCG club member Kevin Tipler gave some Brazilians a lift to the Parade in his Jeep, and managed to keep a brave face whilst doing so. Chin up Kevin, the things we have to do !!!


ausday3 ausday2


Hills Christmas Run

Club Christmas Meeting and Run to Pike and Joyce winery in the Adelaide Hills


The club will be holding the Christmas meeting on Sunday 6 December at the Pike and Joyce winery in the Adelaide Hills followed by a 3-course Christmas meal provided by the winery. The club will subsidise meal costs to the value of $20 per head including partners. This is to be preceded by a little club run through the hills.

Members are to meet at the Crafers Park and Ride at 1200 hours. Military vehicles are preferred, however civilian vehicles may be used. Member’s partners are welcome.

Meal costs are $70 per head of which $20 will be subsidised by the club. Wines, beers and other drinks are available for purchase.

Members interested in attending should contact Rick Shearman or Mick Jenner, so numbers can finalized.

NOTE: The normal meeting at the Tower Hotel will not be held for December.

See map attached.

pike+joyce map

See You There!


Military Items for Sale

Please find listed below all my stuff I am selling off that may be of interest. I could sell each item or I could batch items for a price mutually expectable. Or I could sell the lot as shown again for a single all up price.

If interested in purchasing any items please contact Tony Van Rhoda.
Phone: 08 8536 26 27

Brand New MB or GPWJeep rear seat backrest. Priced to sell. $60.00

Large Ammo Box -16cm H x 46cmWx 22cm D -Priced to sell $35.00


Vietnam Era – Back Pack. Good condition. Going cheap $35.00


Vietnam Era – Full Harness 2 x Basic pouches, 3 x water bottles, Bum Pack On Web belt, and Harness
Including Olive drab Hootchie.

Very Good price $75.00


I also have for sale a Coleman 60 second Tent (10 ft x 9 ft ) As new only used once, includes a new rain cover never used . Plus a brand new large heavy duty stretcher, never used.



The lot for a special price $350.00


Australia Day Parade

The 2015 Australia Day Parade was well supported by WVCG members who provided Nine vehicles in the parade and proudly showed off their restored vehicles. The huge crowds lining the route down King William Street enthusiastically applauded each vehicle as they passed by. This was the biggest turnout of WVCG members and their vehicles in recent years, despite a number of members who had indicated they would participate, but did not turn up on the day, well maybe next year will be even larger. The following photos are of members vehicles who made the day a success.


Rick Shearman with an attractive entrant! DSC03888 DSC03889 DSC03891 DSC03895 DSC03899 DSC03908 IMG_0409




Legion of Frontiersmen Fundraiser


Fellow club members John and Kerryn Jenner are involved in an Army Cadet Unit, “Legion of Frontiersmen”. These young Australian boys and girls do a fantastic job in the community and are heavily involved on Anzac Days carrying the banners identifying marching units.

John has issued an invitation to all WVCG members and friends to attend a fund raiser Cabaret at the Enfield Hotel on the 23rd August 2014, the featured entertainer will be Linda McCarthy. So we suggest you organise a group and place the date in your calendar. 


For details click on the attached brochure.

Linda McCarthy poster

For Sale – Ex army no 5 Trailer


No: 5 ex Army Trailer for sale in excellent condition—No Rust,
has good tyres and tarp cover. These trailers are still being used
by the Australian army. New wheel bearing recently fitted.

The trailer can be yours for:


Contact: Tony Van Rhoda.
Ph: 08 8536 2627 Mob: 0409 833 879

Centenary of World War One Commemoration


The Centenary of WW1 is upon us. Re-enact SA invites The Wartime Conservation Vehicle Group to help us commemorate the first year, 1914, by helping us create a ‘time line’ of South Australia’s earlier history that leads up to the First World War. From this foundation, it is hoped you can attend again to the remaining years through to 1918 (2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018).

We are hoping to have represented the 1880’s through to 1945 with vehicles, artillery and historical displays with the special focus on WW1.

When: 20th & 21st September 2014 (Set up 19 September).

This date was significant in that all AIF formations raised in South Australia to answer the call, joined forces and marched through the streets of Adelaide.


Where: Morphettville Racecourse. This was where the 10th Battalion was raised, trained and camped prior to embarkation.

If you can attend please advise what level of interest there may be for forward planning reasons.

We request a current copy of your Public Liability Insurance (PLI) sent to the below email prior to the event to ensure participation.

Note: as it is a WW1 focus, parades and ceremonies will only involve WW1 elements. WW2 and other camps will be represented for the weekend to promote your club and our collective military history.

Tony Van Rhoda’s Jeep for Sale

For Sale -1942 MB WILLYS JEEP

Engine No: 372348. Chassis No: MB163331 OWN


This is a unique opportunity to own what is one of the most popular military vehicles of
WW2. My jeep has been restored as a ground up project as a labour of love. Nothing was
spared during the restoration and if something was not quite right it was replaced with new.
The Jeep was painted in Desert Colours to reflect the service of Australian Troops in the
Western Desert Campaign in WW2.
The Jeep is on club registration which is not transferable.
Jeep Has all original panels with no rust. the I have always garaged the Jeep out of the
weather. The Jeep drives very well for a vehicle 72 years of age. The engine does not blow
smoke but it does mark its territory as most old veterans do. It is a very collectable Jeep. All
the hard work has been done.

Some of the parts replaced during the restoration with new:

  • Complete new braking system.
  • New set of Shockers Fitted.
  • Reconditioned rear Diff.
  • New fuel pump.
  • New Carburettor.
  • Converted from 6 volt to 12 volt.
  • Complete new wiring Loom.
  • New Battery.
  • Reconditioned Radiator fitted.
  • New Starter motor fitted.
  • New Universal joints.
  • New exhaust Manifold.
  • 4 x New Bar Tread Tyres fitted.
  • New Exhaust system.
  • New Free Wheeling Hubs fitted.
  • New Stop-Tail and Turning LED lighting.
  • New head gasket, Engine Head Shaved and new Thermostat fitted. (Recently Done).
  • Engine Head Bolts replaced with new Studs and Bolts.
  • Air Cleaner replaced with new Cartridge type

Included in the sale.

  • Original WW2 WS620 Radio, Original Manuals and all fittings. In working condition.
  • Detachable “A” Frame for towing Jeep behind your vehicle.
  • AM—FM Radio Cassette.
  • Large Desert Camouflage Net.

Genuine reason for selling and is a reluctant sale.

Price: $20,000

Contact: 08 8536 2627 – Email:

tonyvan4  tonyvan2tonyvan3

For Sale – John Jenner’s Jeep

FOR SALE 1942 Ford GPW Jeep


This vehicle has had all new brakes.

The head has been removed and machined.

The vehicle has been converted to Right Drive.

The indicators has been placed into the Blackout lights also all lights have been checked and fixed.

The vehicle has also had the latest fuses added for ease of replacement and isolated switch has been added for more protection.

Tyres are near new and a Canvas covers has been made to cover the vehicle when hood and windscreen have been folded down.

The vehicle drives really well for its age.

On club Rego non transferable.

 Price: $20,000 ONO    –     Contact: 0405 203 044


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