The executive of the WVCG wish to advise that we have been ad- vised by the organisers of the Pichi Richi Railway that our planned joint Troop Train re-enactment with the SA Re-enactment Group has been cancelled. This means the WVCG will not be travelling to Quorn this year and we will not be part of the annual October Long Weekend Troop Train re-enactment.
This has been a blow to those in the WVCG and the RSA who have worked so hard this year to make it happen. The new people in charge at the Pichi Richi Railway were not in favour of the earlier decisions made to stage the event. It is disappointing that they left it to the last minute to advise us.
The WVCG and the RSA will still look at staging a joint event and once details are known a special bulletin will be sent to all WVCG members and also placed on our new website.